Department of Dance presents experimental concert

Published by Hope Hoehler, Author: Hope Hoehler - Assistant Campus Life Editor , Date: September 28, 2018

The Department of Dance partnered with Vox Nous, with guest appearances from the Theater and Art Departments Thursday night to showcase their talent in a 60 X 60 experimental concert. 

Throughout the hour show, there were 60 performances that lasted 60 seconds with various performances showcasing their talents in each department: choreography, silent theater, and SRU painters. This is the 10th 60 X 60 show that the department has put on.  

Andy Hasenpflug, producer of the show says, “The most difficult thing about producing the show is that there are many details and people to coordinate. It is very difficult to delegate that when there are so many small puzzle pieces that have to be plugged into one matrix. So, I end up doing a lot of it myself.” 

Heather Hertel headed the composition for the Art Department during the performance. Throughout the hour, the art students worked on a piece each adding their own colors and interesting design to the already printed design on the canvas.  

Dr. David Skeele helped head the theater pieces throughout the performance. The Theater Department did individual performances each telling their own story, while others partnered with the Dance Department. 

“We try not to micromanage the individual artists at all. So, it’s great to see what their ideas and their artistic voices are,” Hasenpflug said. 

Sarah Dietsch, sophomore and a BFA dance major with a concentration in performance and choreography stated, “It’s really an experimental project for everyone that’s in it. So the process is very interesting it’s just like our-time to throw something together that might be about or consist of something that we are interested in or want to explore.” 

“I would just like to add a heap of gratitude to all the people and departments that participate. I feel very lucky to be in a community of people who will do something like this and take it seriously,” Hasenpflug said. 

If you are interested in more about the Department of Dance or their upcoming performances you can follow @SRUDance on Twitter.  

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Hope is a senior converged journalism major entering her third year on The Rocket staff and her second year as campus life editor. Previously, she served as assistant campus life editor after contributing to the campus life section her freshman year. After graduation, she hopes to report for a paper either in local journalism or city news. Outside of The Rocket, Hope is also part of the JumpStart Mentor Program, the Student Organization of Latinos Hispanics and Allies (SOL) and Lambda Pi Eta.


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