Winter Guard travels to Chicago for regional competition

Published by adviser, Author: Megan Majercak - Asst. Campus Life Editor, Date: February 24, 2018

From Norfolk, to Boston, to Chicago, Slippery Rock’s Winter Guard has traveled across the country to compete in international competitions.

This weekend, the Winter Guard will be travelling to Chicago, Illinois for the Winter Guard International (WGI) Chicago Regional.

“I had never spun a flag or done anything related to guard until I got here to Slippery Rock,” said Shannon Good, a senior health and physical education major and Winter Guard member. “I have learned so many things from participating and made my best friends through guard.”

Good, who has not been to Chicago since high school, is excited to go back and see the city, and hopes they perform well in preliminaries, for a chance to compete in finals. Good has been dancing since she was three, and joined guard for the challenge her freshman year of college.

“I think a lot of our success should be credited to our amazing staff,” Good said. “They do so much for us and they care so much abut our organization. We all work so hard and if there is a part of the show that someone is struggling with, we all make an effort to try and help them.”

Caitlyn Windhorst, a junior criminology and criminal justice major and another member of the guard, is excited to see the other groups compete and hopes to make it to finals.

“I have danced ever since I was seven years old. I joined the winter guard because I thought it would be fun and something new,” Windhorst said. “I’ve made great friends with everyone and it’s something that will last a lifetime.”

“I was really excited when I found out we would be going to Chicago because I have never been there before,” Windhorst said. “We’re having a regional competition, meaning that we will be having two practices and two competitions if we make it in the top six during prelims.”

Windhorst said she would like to credit the other members and staff for their success in the region.

Jess Williams, a freshman early childhood education and special education major is another member of Winter Guard.

“I really love Winter Guard, it’s unlike anything I have done before and it’s a lot of fun, despite being full of hard work and determination,” Williams said. “I haven’t traveled like this for a competition before and it’ll be really fun.”

The best outcome would be for the audience to enjoy the performance, Williams said, and her favorite part of performing is hearing the reactions.

“Winning would be nice but it’s most important that we get our name out there and leave a lasting impression,” Williams said.


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