SRU student is social media guru for ‘Dream, Girl’ film

Published by adviser, Author: Nina Bracci - Asst. Campus Life Editor , Date: September 15, 2016

A Slippery Rock University student and social media guru ran the social media platforms for the new movie ‘Dream, Girl’ for two years during the film’s production.

Maggie Kerry, senior interdisciplinary programs major, was hired to run the Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts for the film, along with attending red carpet events and screenings.

Kerry said that her career began over two years ago when she was searching for people like herself on the internet.

“I was looking for a community of feminists like me and I couldn’t find it in a conservative county, so I looked online and I stumbled upon a blog called Feminist Wednesday,” Kerry said.

Feminist Wednesday is a feminist storytelling community.

Kerry enjoyed the aesthetic of the blog and the mascot, which is a beaver with a slogan ‘viva la beaver.’

Kerry said she clicked on the tab to join the team and emailed Erin Bagwell, who is the blog runner and director of the film, and that is where her future began.

She worked for Bagwell and the blog for a year and was then hired to work for the film during its post-production.  She has been with the film for two years and was a part of the team since day one when Bagwell launched her Kickstarter campaign.

“I wasn’t now only a part of an upcoming film whose mission is to inspire the next generation of leaders, I was also a part of an upcoming movement for female entrepreneurs,” Kerry said.

At first, Kerry helped manage Feminist Wednesday so that Bagwell to focus on the film.

‘Dream, Girl’ is about aspiring female entrepreneurs and CEOs and focuses on their stories: how they became a part of the business and how they made their dreams a reality.

Kerry worked remotely due to the film being based out of New York City.  Kerry said she met Bagwell for the first time in person at the film’s premier at the Paris Theatre two years after being hired.

She walked the red carpet and hosted the social media platform at the event.

Kerry’s job is to engage in a dialogue with the film’s audience and to create social media content for the fans to follow.

“A lot of it was keeping our audience engaged and excited for the film,” Kerry said.

That audience consists of entrepreneurs, CEO’s, feminists and people who in general support the blog and film.

There is also a ‘Dream, Girl’ network where different entrepreneurs connect and tell their stories.

Kerry said her favorite part of the process was building the online community and keeping the momentum of the film going.

Before the film was completed, the team had over 200 screening requests in 20 different countries.

‘Dream, Girl’ has had screenings at the White House, New York City, Australia, New Zealand, France and more.

Kerry said Bagwell encouraged her to have a screening at SRU to show everybody what she’s been working on for the past two years and what she’s been a part of.

“What I’m proud of the most is continuously seeing more and more women support the film and support the mission,” Kerry said.

The film will screen at Slippery Rock on Sept. 27 in the Smith Student Center Theatre at 7 p.m.  Kerry will host a question and answer after the film.




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