SRU students discuss future plans as musical artists

Published by adviser, Author: Emma Pfeifer - Rocket Contributor, Date: April 28, 2015

The event About Class Tomorrow gave 14 local artists a chance to show their talent as performers here at Slippery Rock University.

This show involved artists executing a variety of performances in all different fields of the entertainment industry. Although the performances mainly involved music, a comedian also performed. As the night went on, students crowded the room and cheered on each act as they progressed throughout their sets.

Emerging technology and multimedia major Brandon Lombardo was the director of the event. He said he worked hard for three months to put everything together and to ensure it was a success. Lombardo said the purpose of this show was to bring people together and create a diverse culture of music and support local artist.

Lombardo said the title About Class Tomorrow came from a comical night of hanging out with his friends. He said as they were brainstorming ideas for this event throughout the night, they decided that they were not going to attend class the next day, therefore About Class Tomorrow became not only the title for the event, but the laugh of the night for them as well.

This event had many performers from different areas and genres of entertainment.

Kai Roberts is a 22-year-old business administration major, with a marketing concentration at Carnegie Mellon University. He rapped during his time on stage and had the crowd waving their arms back and forth out of excitement. Roberts explained that his inspiration comes from his time at college and all of the experiences he has gone through thus far. His goal while on stage is to have the audience feeling positive energy from his performance. Roberts identifies as a solo artist and plans to pursue music in the future.

Another group that performed was the SRU Beatbox Society. Two members of the group, journalism major Kenny Moore, 22 and fine arts major, Tyler Sing, 19, are heavily involved with the group. Moore’s stage name is Conscious KiD and Sing’s stage name is the Creature.

Moore said he hopes to one day blow up within the music industry with his own label and brand. He is working on creating a new blog and sending out his ideas throughout the media. Moore believes that life is a “dream come true” and it is about “positive vibes.” He is working on creating a backpack line.

The atmosphere of the event was positive. There was dark lighting for each performance and the event was standing-room only. For the majority of the performances there was projection of different images to go along with each artist’s and group’s performance. Each performance was different and the night was a success. About Class Tomorrow brought not only local artists together, but supporters, faculty and students also.


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