10 Items You Can Borrow From a Library Besides Books

Published by Partnered Content, Date: November 19, 2021
10 Items You Can Borrow From a Library Besides Books

Before Wikipedia, students needed to visit their local library to quench their thirst for knowledge. Libraries are still important for quality education, but they are also valuable to explore other avenues. Here is a list of 10 items you can borrow from a library besides books.

Museum Passes

With a library being a hub of education and knowledge, they like to promote other opportunities to tickle your intellectual fancy. Your local library may offer free passes to several museums or parks.


If you are hosting a party and your dining area feels underwhelming, you can see if your local library has some art you can borrow. Renting art pieces gives you a sense of sophistication without forking over big bucks.

Home Improvement Tools

If you aren’t typically a DIY person, there’s no reason you need to purchase expensive power tools. Several libraries let you borrow the tools you need in exchange for a small fee.

Green Screen

If you need to spruce up a school project, you can check out a green screen at your library. You can also consider other video and editing equipment that set you apart from everyone’s boring PowerPoint presentations.

Dresses and Formal Attire

Do you have a winter formal you need to attend but don’t want to spend money on a dress you’ll only wear once? Call your local library to see if they have dresses available that you can rent free of charge.

Cooking Tools

If you want to explore your culinary side, some dishes may require particular tools to make the dish. Dormitories and kitchens only have so much cookware, so check out your library to see if they have what you need.


Plan on babysitting for a family member or friend? It’s worth looking into your library’s toy collection to see if they have anything that can entertain them and keep your sanity.

Board Games

If you’re starting to get bored with your favorite first-person shooter, it might be time to organize a classic game night with various board games. You might find something you didn’t know existed but is an absolute joy to play.

Musical Instruments

Purchasing a musical instrument is an expensive commitment. Therefore, if you are the type of person who likes to explore their creative side, you’ll want to see what instruments your library has on hand. You can give drums and a guitar a trial run to get your inner Dave Grohl on.

An Actual Person

Yes, you can borrow an actual living human being. You can’t take them home with you, but you can book staff members to educate you on a subject of interest. Social workers and nurses are also on hand to help when necessary.

Learning the 10 items you can borrow from a library besides books might give you some quality ideas for the future. Of course, you might strike out from your local library, but it doesn’t hurt to ask to see what they have available.


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