Political correctness doesn’t prepare students for the real world

Published by adviser, Author: Jessica Johnson, Date: September 24, 2015

As chair of the Slippery Rock College Republicans, I never thought I would see a day where President Obama spoke the thoughts that consistently run through my head. However, during his speech on September 14th in a Des Moines, Iowa, high school, Obama perfectly reflected my opinion on the obsession with political correctness that has taken over college campuses when he said:

“I’ve heard of some college campuses where they don’t want to have a guest speaker who is too conservative, or they don’t want to read a book if it has language that is offensive to African Americans, or somehow sends a demeaning signal towards women. And I’ve got to tell you, I don’t agree with that either. I don’t agree that you, when you become students at colleges, you have to be coddled and protected from different points of view.”

This protection is a new phenomenon on college campuses. Universities are putting out lists of “trigger words” and are not allowing speakers who may “offend” certain students. For example, words such as “terrorism” or phrases like “America is the land of opportunity” and “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” are considered by some to be “offensive.” How is this preparing students to obtain jobs where they might have to, (gasp!) work with those they disagree with? I agree that there are certainly words and phrases that are offensive, but the rate at which we are currently moving is exponential.

Recently, Bernie Sanders, a Democratic candidate for President, spoke at Liberty University, a right-wing conservative college. While attendance at his speech was essentially mandatory for students, he was still respected. There was no boycott. Time and time again, Republican speakers and ideas have been protested and boycotted at other universities. George W. Bush, while he was still President, received negative feedback about speaking at the Ohio State University. Showings of American Sniper were also canceled at the University of Michigan. In 2013, Ben Carson withdrew himself from speaking at Johns Hopkins University in face of protest. Many comedians are now refusing to perform at colleges, because they think college students cannot handle the real world or even hear jokes about it. College campuses used to be the breeding grounds of free speech and person opinion, but that time is quickly ending. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education found that in 2015, 55% of 437 universities had policies in place to limit speech.

I found the recent opinion piece in The Rocket, “Pledge of Allegiance isn’t representative of all Americans” almost laughably comical. The author wrote, “conservative values tightly grasp America.” Clearly this author has no idea what it is like to be a Republican on a college campus. Every time I feel the need to put my opinion on social media, I fear the attack of liberals. When I speak up in class, I can feel the glares and eye rolls of my disrespectful peers. I have freedom of speech, but many times when I use it, I feel bombarded and have chosen to silence myself on many occasions. This is also coming from a female Republican who does not hold deeply conservative views (I am a pro-choice, pro-marriage equality Republican, we do exist). If you hold any type of conservative, Republican values, your views are seen as “offensive”, and they are not respected in America and especially not on a college campus. To make the world not offensive to one group, another group is squashed of their beliefs, and this is consistently happening to Republicans in America.

College is the time in our lives where we are able to come to terms with ourselves. You learn about the world beyond your parent’s houses and are exposed to other viewpoints.

Students should challenge their own perspective. If we never see what the other side is saying how do we truly know what we believe? College students need a wake up call. I was raised under the saying “life’s not fair and then you die.” Yes, it’s a little harsh but I am able to see the world realistically, unlike many of my peers. It’s time to wake up Slippery Rock, the world is not fair and you will not be protected from every little thing. Go outside your comfort zone and actually learn about the people and positions you so adamantly want to destroy. Stop being so thin-skinned or the real world will eat you alive when you graduate.


  1. It’s true that college campuses are generally liberal. However, my article was not specifically targeted at college campuses.

    Do you not agree that there is an overwhelming amount of conservativeness that we cannot seem to shake in America? Do you really think things have changed that drastically? Do you not think that I experience similar repercussions when I share that I am an atheist, or kiss a girlfriend in public, or shop in an aisle labeled “men” as you do when you announce you are a republican? The power of the conservativeness I am speaking of is not dampered by 18-22 year olds on college campuses because that conservativeness lies in the depths of our government and people who have power.

    You said nothing about whether you agree with what my article was really about; changing or getting rid of the pledge of allegiance. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on that rather than the 5 words you quoted from the piece.

    By the way, do not ever ever ever silence yourself because you fear backlash. People are idiots. Although I may disagree with you on many issues, I would never respond rudely or hate you because you’re a republican. That’s insane. As I have already stated, I am a black female atheist lesbian, I KNOW what it feels like to be different. The difference between me and you though? People kill others who are black female atheist lesbians. I would never let a feaf of imbeciles stop me from speaking up for what I believe in.


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