Background checks help protect children visiting SRU

Published by adviser, Author: The Rocket, Date: January 29, 2015

New hires  at all schools in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), including Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania are now required to have child abuse clearances, undergo background checks and have fingerprints on file.

The measures are being taken in the interest of general safety. Current student, faculty and staff will also need to follow the new requirement by Dec. 31. 

The staff at The Rocket thinks that even though this may sound like a daunting task or an unnecessary precaution to some SRU employees, it is ultimately worth the time investment. 

SRU will be covering the cost of the clearances, taking away one possible conflict for complying with the policy and is working to obtain a fingerprint scanner to make the process simple for employees. 

It seems to us that the approach from the university in not only implementing the policy, but making it easy for staff and students to follow it are nothing but good things.

Even though there may not be direct engagement with children on a day-to-day basis, there are often camps, competitions and children on campus for various other reasons. It is especially helpful for students in the education department, which requires background checks. Education majors who work for the university will have the costs of their background checks covered if they are employees at SRU which could actually be a perk for them.

 It is a good idea to ensure that all employees on the campus have met the clearances in the interest of safety for these children and the students at SRU still considered minors. 

Students at local high schools and elementary schools are given opportunities to come to the university for academic games and cultural events as well as to tour the university as a prospective student. 

When these students come to the university for any reason, their parents will have peace of mind knowing that all the precautions have been taken to ensure their child’s safety which is something we support.


  1. […] The Rocket, the Slippery Rock University school newspaper, reports that new hires at all schools within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education will be required to have child abuse clearances, as a matter of safety. They will also undergo background checks and have fingerprints on file. Additionally, current students, faculty and staff must meet the same requirements by December 31, 2015. […]


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