Chivalry dates back to Medieval times, not just about ideals between men and women

Published by adviser, Date: November 21, 2013

Dear Lonely Feminist,


I understand your position on the topic of chivalry, but I wholeheartedly disagree. With the strength of 10,000 angry bulls actually. Why does it have to be a sex thing all the time? The idea of chivalry is dated back to a Medieval Knight code of morals and social conduct; therefore, chivalry does not necessarily pertain only to actions from male to female. I hold the door open for those of my same sex, for little kids and for handicapped people as well. Are you saying let the door slam in their face? Let the little kid freeze if I have a coat on? Just let the chivalry die? To go along with what you are trying to say in regards to me being nice to the ‘fairer sex’, being chivalrous is how I was raised. It is also how I plan on raising my child, male or female. Everyone should hold the door open for whoever is walking behind him or her, whether they are the opposite sex or not. I am not doing this for some selfish gratification, so I can say to my friends “OH YEAH DUDE, HELD THE DOOR OPEN FOR A GIRL TODAY. TOTALLY WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH ME NOW.” Any nice act I perform is for their benefit; I am helping my fellow human being out. One could say that I am ‘paying it forward’. My manners are not based on gender; my manners are based on being a decent, moral, human being.


I will make sure to spend a day where I don’t do anything but let doors slam in girls faces and not move out of the way if they are bearing down on me on the sidewalk. I am sure they will appreciate that and that most men and women would completely disagree with your ignorant standpoint on this whole concept of chivalry.


To quote Lena Dunham, “I love what I do, I love every minute of it.”



Chivalrous Knight


  1. Chivalry is defined as “The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women”
    To say that it is not necessarily pertaining to male or females is the definition of ignorance. It clearly states it as an act of gallantry toward women by a man.

    To say that it goes back to medieval times is proving the previous submissions point – that this is a dated concept. It is literally dated.

    Finally, the article you’re speaking out against ( states that “if you wouldn’t do it for a man, don’t do it for me.” it seems to me that the argument is pretty clear that if you’d let the door slam in the face of a man, let it slam in the face of a female too. Alternatively, be a good person and hold the door for anyone. Just do NOT only hold the door for a woman because she is a woman.

  2. Chivalry is defined as “The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women”
    To say that it is not necessarily pertaining to male or females is the definition of ignorance. It clearly states it as an act of gallantry toward women by a man.

    To say that it goes back to medieval times is proving the previous submissions point – that this is a dated concept. It is literally dated.

    Finally, the article you’re speaking out against ( states that “if you wouldn’t do it for a man, don’t do it for me.” it seems to me that the argument is pretty clear that if you’d let the door slam in the face of a man, let it slam in the face of a female too. Alternatively, be a good person and hold the door for anyone. Just do NOT only hold the door for a woman because she is a woman.


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