The Student Government Association (SGA) met last Wednesday evening for its first meeting of the semester, led by newly elected President Nicole Dunlop.
There were open positions in the senate that needed filled: four freshmen, one Building B, one Building E, one Building F, one ROCK Apartment, two graduate and six commuter.
“There are four students who sit on that board. The rest of those positions are what we consider non-students, meaning they are professionals, and they have a connection to SGA as an [alumni], but they are external to the student body,” Wendy Leitera, SGA adviser and business director, said.
SGA decided to form a search committee to fill open positions in the senate. The search committee will evaluate the individuals applying for the positions. These students will also have the opportunity of deciding how applicants will be interviewed.
SGA appointed a search committee to fill the positions open in the senate. It approved six new members of the board of directors search committee: Vice President of Financial Affairs Kaitlyn Hazelett, Speaker of the Senate Joseph Sciuto, Senator Cale Walker, Senator Samantha Burkhouse, Senator Kathy Bash and Senator Nicholas Condon.
Vice President Maggie Calvert announced plans for the social justice committee to facilitate a community cafe concerning mental health. The date and location of the event have yet to be announced.
There was a community cafe discussing racial diversity in February. Calvert said she will model the event after this, but instead talk about mental health at SRU.
Budgetary reserves are sitting at $8,314.35. Capital reserves are sitting at $14,832.97.
In other business, SGA discussed:
- Plans to switch to an online only method to process finance requests, according to Vice President of Finance Kaitlyn Hazelett
- Upcoming changes to the student life survey to shorten the questions to make it more accessible and receive more quality responses, according to Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs Khalil Harper
- The official opening of the food pantry at the Macoskey Center at the end of September, open Tuesdays and Thursdays during common hour
The next SGA formal meeting will be Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Smith Student Center Theater.