Two million dollar budget approved by SGA

Published by Adam Zook, Author: Adam Zook - Assistant News Editor, Date: April 3, 2018

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association approved their 2018-19 club and organization budget Monday night, totaling $2,214,425.81, in addition to adding an additional $35,000 to their current budgetary reserves. Approving a final budget for the next academic year was a painstaking task according to vice president of finance Riley Keffer.

“Over 135 recognized clubs and organizations submitted requests totaling $2,446,238.39,” Keffer said. “The finance committee reviewed each submission and made adjustments based on a number of considerations. These included whether or not the request is detailed, complete and adhered to the finance policy as it is written. Past allocations and the organization’s greater contributions to the student body were also factored into our final decision.”

The additional $35,000 was added to the current budgetary reserves from a surplus to supplement any new initiative requests for the remainder of the 2017-18 academic year, according to Keffer. A total of $100,000 was also approved for their 2018-19 capital reserve to be used for capital budget requests, of which $67.976.48 has already been requested for next year. Keffer said that the remaining $93,692.19 will be allocated to budgetary reserves to allow for new initiative requests in 2018-19.

The Inline Hockey club’s new initiative request of $2,676.60 for competing in a tournament in Fargo, North Dakota received much debate from the senate after members of their executive board requested that an additional $2,000 be added on to the request in order to make the trip more affordable for their players. Although the request was initially denied, senator Noah Marvin made a motion to have the vote be reconsidered by the senate.

“I was thinking about amending the motion during our discussion, but I really wasn’t sure how to do so or if it was appropriate,” Marvin said. “I feel as though the Inline Hockey team is trying to fundraise for this, but are not adequately organized. I think this vote needs to be reconsidered.”

Marvin received support from his fellow senators, receiving only six “nay” votes for reconsidering the motion. Although the additional $2,000 was considered again by the senate, it was denied again and the initial amount of $2,676.60 was approved for the team.

Two new initiative requests of $3,000 and $120 were approved for SUMA and Internations Club respectively. The Rocket’s capital budget request of $6,116.90 for new camera equipment was also approved. Lambda Pi Eta, the communications honors fraternity, became a recognized organization of the SRSGA.

The next formal meeting for the SRSGA will take place on Monday, April 16 at 8:45 pm in the Smith Student Center Theater.


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