SGA approves new senators and clubs

Published by adviser, Author: Chris Gordon - Assistant News Editor, Date: September 17, 2015

Slippery Rock’s Student Government Association elected six new representatives Monday night, nearing a complete senate.

“I’m excited that the senate is finally filling out,” said Brad Kovaleski, the executive director of student development at SRU and an adviser to SGA.  “The election process takes away time that could be used for debate.”

Three open positions for commuter senators saw three applicants.  Morgan Popowski, a junior early childhood and special education major, Abby Fugh, a sophomore healthcare administration and management major, and Jordan Kapser, a sophomore business management major, were all unanimously elected.

One graduate senator position was open and one applicant applied.  William Dzuriscko, who studies student affairs in higher education, was elected near-unanimously, minus one abstention.

Two applicants each applied for single open positions in Building B and Watson Hall.  Allison Sedon, a sophomore public health major, was elected to represent B and Victoria Pasquale, a freshman biology major, will represent Watson.

There were no applicants for the Buildings D, E, F and Rhoads Hall positions, which remain open.  There are also four open spots for freshmen senators.

The final round of elections will be held on Sept. 28.

The various applicants expressed concerns for student safety and an interest in finding ways to keep students from going home on the weekends.

All six senators were sworn in following their elections.

Additionally, SGA unanimously approved two new clubs, the Pre-Vet and Animal Lover’s Society (PALS) and the Student Affairs Graduate Association (SAGA).

PALS said they want to create events where students are invited to bring their pets.

SAGA said they hope to support graduate students and educate the student body on graduate programs.

SGA President Logan Steigerwalt discussed recent talks he had with the Butler Eagle and the Slippery Rock Borough, concerning “mega parties” and poor lighting surrounding SRU.

SGA plans to have proposals to address these issues in coming weeks, Steigerwalt said.

The next SGA meeting will be on Sept. 28 at 8:45 p.m. in the Smith Student Center Theater.


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